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简介关于食品安全的英语作文600字怎么写_关于食品安全的英语作文600字怎么写的       随着科技的发展,关于食品安全的英语作文600字怎么写的今日更新也在不断地推陈出新。今天,我将为大家详细介绍它的今日更新,让我们一起了解它的最新技术。



1.求英语作文ON Food Security关于食品安全






求英语作文ON Food Security关于食品安全

       无分无动力啊 建议楼主加几分 我这里的是拷贝网上的 楼主可参考 其实模式都一样的。

       On food safety By Kaiser3344

       It is universally acknowledged that the safety of food is closely related to our

       health.However,at the begining of the year 2008,the low-quality milk products by SANLU

       Company killed many babies.Therefore,it is high time that we paid attention to this

       grave issue.

       There are several reasons for this several problem.First and foremost,some products,

       to huge profits,make fake commodities or products of poor quality.In addition,the monitor

       role of laws and regulations has not been implemented in a strict way.Last but not least

       the public especially customers from poor families,are not alert enough to the safety of


       In view of the graveness of the problem,effective measures must be taken before things

       get worse.Firstly,it is imperative that relevant laws and regulation should be enforced

       in a stringent way.Secondly,the public should be trained to be alert to food quality.

       Only by taking these actions can the problem be tackled successfully in the nearest




       Raise Your Vigilance

       Product safety is important to consumers and we want to be protected from hazardous and dangerous products. When it comes to food many of the harmful substances are not easily detectable. We need to rely on that the food we buy does not put our health at risk. While over the past few years, hundreds of product safety problems have sprung up. What’s worse, according to Deloitte's 2010 Consumer Food Safety Survey, while nine out of ten (90 percent) consumers believe food-related recalls are on the rise, or on par, compared with findings from Deloitte's 2008 Consumer Food Safety Survey, fewer people seem to be anxious about them. The results show 65 percent of consumers surveyed are concerned about the quality of the food they eat, a 17 percent decrease from 2008.

        Let us see some facts in food problems around us. Almost everyone has experienced food borne illness, usually called "food poisoning," at some point in time. Often these illnesses are merely uncomfortable and inconvenient and do not require medical care. However, such infections can also result in very serious consequences, including hospitalization and death. There are 1800 strains of salmonella, most of which will cause food poisoning. Millions of Americans annually suffer from food poisoning episodes. Most problems occur as a result of human error. A large majority of food poisonings are related to the pot luck type of event. These usually are from poor temperature controls of foods containing egg or meat products. There are so many risks around us. If we want to keep health, vigilance has to be raised.

       Personally speaking, we can watch our own attitudes towards food buying or eating. Such keep hot food hot, wash hands before and after having dinner, do not cross contaminate, etc. As for the manufacturers and food sellers, they have to improve their responsibilities to our customers. Moreover, our government should strengthen the law control on the illegal commercial behaviors. Meanwhile, we had better learn to protect ourselves according to the law on the Protection of Consumer Rights and Interests. We might as well not ignore them.


       Food Safety In recent years ,more and more people pay attention to the food safety issues. With the improvement of our living standards,people are increasingly concerned about their diet,but the food safety issues turn out frequently,like the Melamine issues. There are several reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Among all the reasons, the preference of factories plays the more important role. In order to gain more benefits ,many factories ignore the safety of food but use the chemical a dditives. Bisides, consumer konwledge about food safety lacking lead to the food safety issues. In my opinion,our country should make relevant laws to specificate the food production .At the same time ,our consumers should learn more knowledge about food safety.


       Food Safety in China

        With the growing awareness of healthy eating, more and more people now are paying more attention to the importance of healthy diet and an active life. But at the same time, a growing unrest over food safety in China has caught everyone’s concern.

        In my opinion ,everyone involved in it should set up a high responsibility for others, law related should be passed and carried out. Only in this way can we come by a healthy eating and a harmonious world.






       The Problem of Food

       Dear editor,

        I'm writing to tell you something about the problem of food safety.

        A couple of days ago, one of my classmates bought a bag of food from a supermarket. Some roommates were invited to enjoy the food.Unfortunately, after finishing it, all of their faces got pale and had stomachaches. They were quickly sent to a nearby hospital. A doctor examined them and gave them some medicine. They were out of danger soon after taking the medicine.

        This accident made me realize the seriousness of the food safety problem. I sincerely hope that the whole society pay much more attention to food safety.








        The Chinese government will deal with any confirmed food safety cases in a responsible manner and in accordance with laws, a parliament spokesman said in Beijing on Tuesday.

        "There are indeed very few companies in China which neglect our country's laws, regulations and standards, dodge quarantine and tests, and have their unqualified products smuggled into foreign markets via illegal channels," said Jiang Enzhu, spokesman for the First Session of the 11th National People's Congress (NPC), at a press conference.

        Our government will intensify its efforts to crack down on such illegal activities and prevent any under-quality food from being exported.

       以上2篇 仅供参考。

       On the Food Security

       Over the past couple of years, several cases of the food scandal have been disclosed on various media. The problem of food security has become a hot button across society. The prevalence of food insecurity has greatly impacted public health, which the government could not afford to ignore, according to the online edition of the People Daily.

       There are a couple of driving forces, I would argue, behind this undesirable tide. First, in the course of the rapid economic evolution, we ignore moral education, giving rise to the rising rate of the problem. More importantly, the lack of adequate regulation and punishment on those illegal producers enforces the trend.

       As Confucius instructed, it is better late than never. Prompt and strict measures should be taken to turn back this evil trend. The government should launch a massive moral campaign to educate all citizens and draw up tougher laws to crack down on those irresponsible corporations and prohibit them from entering the food industry again. I am firmly convinced that through our combined efforts we are bound to enjoy more risk-free foods in the days ahead.追问这个水平太高了,我好多单词都看不懂,初三作文是控制在80个词左右的...能告诉我一个大概的写作思路吗?还有一些适用的句型,前提是简单一点...

        回答三段法 第一段写现象 第二段写解决办法 第三段写自己的观点Many people insist that...


       With the development of science and technology, more and more people believe that...


       A lot of people seem to think that...



       People's views on... vary from person to person. Some hold that... . However, others believe that....


       People may have different opinions on...


       Attitudes towards (drugs) vary from person to person.


       There are different opinions among people as to...

       关于.... 人们的观点大不相同.

        Different people hold different attitudes toward (failure).



       Taking all these factors into consideration, we naturally come to the conclusion that...

